Tucker Snowcat

Tucker Snowcat

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

French Bulldogs and Tennis Players

I was walking down the street today and noticed a French Bulldog in front of me. It was bowlegged like all French Bulldogs. I thought it walked like a professional tennis player because they are all bowlegged.

If I ever get a french Bulldog I am going to name it Federer.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Survivor Week #3 Redemption Island

OK Back for more action
Big Redemption island slug fest tonight
Fight to the death-throwing insults at each other!
Ah-oo-ouch-stop making fun of my pink underware
Focus-focus: this is serious

Let’s start over
Franchesca and Matt on Redemption Island (he is the new Fabio) She is the new Pavaroti
Poor Matt-blind sighted or is it blindsided? Anyway he is out and moping
Rob is so happy-he got Matt out and got Kristina to use her idol
Phillip is so happy he is washing his underwear
Rob has a thicker Boston accent
Rob is no match for Russell-he better watch out

Commericals:Mutual of Omaha, Adjustment Bureau, Sprite, Mist, Dayquill, Vicks, Tide, Subway (how is Jarrett?), CBS

Back-Go Yankees!!!!!

Time for the duel-Francesca and Matt-so exciting-first death on survivor
Zapotera goys going to observe and bury the looser
Giggle giggle-girls going-they love Matt (Fabio)
There is a duel pit- lots of fake papier-mâché stones
Here they go-they have to make a pole, get keys, open locks
BOO! What is going on? Where is the duel? BOGUS!!!!!!!! Just a challenge
I am taking a nap-what else is on? Seinfeld -Jeopardy-house hunters from 2005-Ok, I will keep watching
Yawn……..boy is this boring-Jeff-what a dud-this is really bad
The music is picking up-excitement-but nothing is happening-like a stick and a key-no action
I hope they both loose-we all wanted a duel-not a key stick-even Jeff is struggling to sound excited
They should just be playing skee ball-that would be more exciting
Matt wins-who cares-that was totally boring-Francesca is gone-out-done-but it is daylight so the torch ceremony is a bust also-back to camp-yawn

Commercials: Evo4G, cascade, ford, CBS

Fake hellos at camp, energy of a sleeping bat
Rob is mumbling, lying, really bad BO
Andrea is not buying it-knows he is not telling the truth-she is crying and sobbing that Matt is gone-now that is exciting
Russell has a new tattoo of a short southern guy with a hat
Ralph has the idol and he is still pretending he is a rooster
Things are picking up
Stephanie is hanging out with Russell-she is pretending she has the idol which she does not have-Ralph has it-now Steve thinks she really has it-what a bunch of morons-They want Russell out-no chance

Commercials: Battle LA, Dominos, mini wheats, Liquid Plumber (use on the duel), Duncan Doughnuts, The Talk, Lexus, T Mobile, Soap
Russell has bumps on his armpits-fungus on pits-puss, rash-disgusting-whoa BO
They want him out-no way-he is sick with armpit-itis-very bad disease
They should hold them down and prick the pimples-that would be a duel
They want to throw the challenge and vote him out-never works ever-always backfires
Not this is interesting
Challenge! Immunity! people strapped to wheel-turn the wheel-spit into tube-get sick-vomit-now this is good! Reward is chairs and pillows and a lantern-what??? That is stupid
Plan is to throw the challenge challenge-They look toward the woods and someone nods (Alan)-the plan is on! Plan is to not spit into the bucket-this is really disgusting-spit is everywhere-puzzles are flying-who wins? I forgot who is throwing this-oh, ya David is supposed to loose-he does-Rob wins! He thinks he really won but they threw it
Russell knows something-he is not a suspicious scheming liar for nothing-he figured it out! Whoa!

Commercial: Sprint, Appleby’s, Geico, IHOP, Welch’s, Maybelline, another Appleby’s, CBS, more CBS
Rob has the new tarp and is so happy and does not suspect anyone
They are all looking for the idols
Rob is on a mission-can’t find it-Phillip was sitting on it-great CIA FBI man-was sitting on an idol and did not know it-Rob is so happy but unfortunately he cannot read or figure it out-and it smells from Philip sitting on it with his pink underwear
Plan is to get Russell out but he knows they threw it and he knows what is going on
Russell will sort it out and get them-I can feel it
Russell and the two nine year old girls are working their own plan
This is like preschool-Julie the fireman is the swing vote-if she flips she is a moron-do not trust Russell
She just might-whoa-Russell is so excited that it probably is not going to happen
Jeff should be embarrassed to be there because of the fake duel
Whoa-someone just jumped out of the fire pit (Alan?)
Ralph is really a chicken-no joke-dna test
They hate Russell but he is Russell and has a plan
Stephanie is not happy because someone is playing with her coloring book
She is so annoying-Alan-please get rid of her!
What would Pavarotti do ?
Russell is wearing a big cross but I thought he was Jewish?

Whoa-three way tie!
Vote off-here we go
The fireman Julie switched! OMG!
No she did not-he is out to Redemption Island!!!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if he gets back from Redemption-who cares! He was humiliated! The world is safe!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Survivor Week #2 Redemption Island

Week 2!

I would recap week 1 but I have no idea what happened. All I know is Boston Rob is in it and Russell is in and a bunch of people who need jobs.

Looks like a duel tonight on Resurrection island-the looser rises up to prime time
Fight to the death with cocoanut shells
Oh ya-now I remember-the fake Philip special agent guy-Alan’s friend

Francesca is on redemption island-she is not sleeping-oh, my-disaster
She can watch the Godfather if she has cable in the hut

If she can make it there she can make it anywhere, redemption Island here I come!
Da da da da da………..sing it Frank!

Kristina needs a sedative-Philip thinks he is a special agent-this place is like a unit

Where is Fabio?

Commercial: Old Spice,Ford,Home Depot,The Talk

Philip is hunting crabs with a stick in his pink underwear-only so much I can take
Now he is crying-tears streaming, breaking down-Marine music in the background-to bad he did not learn to spear crabs-this is PTSD in pink
He got the crab! Yes! Maybe 2” long-now that is a meal

Farmer guy-Ralph- is wearing overalls-making rooster calls
Russell is looking for the idols with the girls-they love him-old guys don’t
Farmer guy found the idol!! Now he is rooster calling again-his last gig was on Deliverance

Commercial: Sprint, Travelers, Michelin, Dominos, CBS, CBS again

Day 5 on island
The new Fabio-Matt- is talking about how God put him in the right tribe, like God has free time and is watching survivor-if he has free time he is watching Law and Order

Natalie is an airhead-hanging out with Rob
Challenge-thank goodness!
Jeff is wearing a blue shirt-he just waved to someone in the bushes (Alan?)
Swimming, jumping, smashing, keys, balls, tiles in some order
Reward is fishing gear-they are clapping! Like they know how to fish
Here they go! Chaos-spazz—swim-chaos-spazz-bathing suits falling off-where is Fabio?
More chaos-swimming-jumping-locks-no idea what is going on-something about frank zappa
Break to blow dry their hair-ok back in the game
Special agent is a disaster-can’t do anything-must have been in the car wash division
Ralph does it-Zapotera wins! Frank Zappa is happy! They get a fish hook
Rob is depressed-lost again-Russell won-where is Fabio? Person voted out goes to Redemption Island to duel Francesca to the death-whoa

Commercial-Wendy’s, Air Force, Chrysler, Glad, Ghosts, Mini Cooper, News


Zappa tribe is happy-got the gear-Russell stole the clue out of the fishing stuff-evil!
Ralph doing the rooster call-he saw Russell steal the secret-he told everyone-now they know
They hate him but he will probably win
He is sharing it with his alliance girls-giggle giggle
Here comes the big guy and Ralph to confront him
Russell challenges him-Russell lies-Fight! Calls Ralph an idiot-major rift!
Back at Chipotle tribe
Secret agent giving a speech-he is off his valium
In pink underwear
Sounds like a combination of Colin Powell and Jon Stewart
Matt is the good Christian-like Fabio-they do not like him
Where is Fabio?
Grant is now on TV-former football player-useless in challenges-must have been on the Patriots
Rob wants Matt out
Commercials (eating a burger-taking a break)
Tribal-girls for Christine
Boys for Phillip
Oh ya-but they are really voting for Matt but God will strike them dead if they do that
Phillip is calling the satellite to check the vote on his coconut phone
Matt is a pre med student-frightening
Hopefully only pre med and not post med
Rob telling Phillip to shut up at tribal-hope not it will be boring
They are trying to trick Kristina to play her idol and vote out Matt
Phillip is talking again about animals and the US-revenge of the lion-please call the unit
I am sure Matt is Fabio or his cousin
Phillip wants to get voted out and go to Redemption island to beat up Francesca
Matt just wants to be redeemed
Here is the vote:
Kristina plays the idol!!
Matt is out! Blindsided! Rob is in control! Kristina wasted the idol! Now it is getting good!
People are stunned-Go Rob!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!! Matt says it is God’s plan
God-remember to watch next Wed. at 8 on CBS (after you deal with the Middle East and global warming)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

House Hunters #1

Here we go into unexplored territory, to places never visited by civilized man, to a place far, far away-HGTV
The show is House Hunters. People look at 3 houses and decide which one to buy. It is always the one with the stainless steel refrigerator, even if the house is under water. It doesn’t matter. Termites, motorcycle gang next door, rats running around and only $ 875,000. I’ll buy it if it has a stainless steel refrigerator.
This is show blog number one so let’s see how it goes.

Eugene and Lynn have been looking for a year-looked at 100 homes near Boston. Now they are on TV and have to make a decision.
Here we go
They live in Quincy, want to move to Wakefield. Hate the condo-want a fence (wonder why).
Tons of houses, 2/3 of them are “crap”. Positive people-ugh. Just sold the condo and have to move no matter how miserable they are. They are looking up to $ 450,000-must be drug dealers.
She is a fundraiser, he is a deadbeat. They want stainless steel-it is obvious. Eugene likes square rooms, she likes round. He is a history teacher-poor kids. The realtor is Dan-a masochist. He smells blood-they need to move.
Looking at a 1900 house-nice Victorian. Lots of stairs, he is about 300 lbs. Nice floors and windows. Uh,oh. In the kitchen and he said “no stainless steel?” It is over. On to the next. Just wasting time on this one. Bathroom too small-he is way too big for the toilet-and with no window she is a goner. Backyard is “cute.” That is a no go.

Commercials: Edward Jones, HGTV, scrubbing bubbles, Pillsbury, Nissan, Crest, HGTV

OK, here goes #2
Shot of them in house #2-dual muffin tops
Off to Melrose-close to train, green
Medallion light fixture, 1890, historical, red dining room, STAINLESS STEEL!! But the dishwasher is white-that would cost 500 bucks on a 435,000 house but could be a deal breaker
Good views and a hot tub
Eugene in a hot tub-mercy
Up the stairs-lots of cute things, office, small rooms
No master bath but 2/3 stainless
A possibility

Commercials; HGTV, Quilted Northern Ultra Flush, another toilet paper adv, Pepperage farm cookies (perfect after the toilet paper ad), Advil ( I have a headache from doing this), Chevy (get me out of town), Broadway, Raymour and Flanagan, another Broadway

OK #3
North Andover-full acre, built in 1734
Really nice house-drive to the train-colonial
Wood beams, really nice-she hates it-I love it-like Red Hook
All she can say is “termites and bugs”
All stainless but no granite-that is it-no chance
He loves the house-she hates the charm
She keeps saying “hate, hate, hate”.
Beautiful yard-marshy-mosquitoes
She is adamant-Hate. He loves it.
Fist fight. I put 5 bucks on Lynn-she has big arms.
It is out-she hates it -it has to be number 2.

Commercial: Mirena, Audi, Hidden Valley ranch, Hefty (Eugene)

Back-get ready for the decision-oh, man, am I excited

It has to be #2-stainless-who cares about the house
3 is the best but they are morons
Da da da da-it is # 1-OMG not the stainless-WRONG AGAIN-WHAT ELSE IS NEW?
Oh, wait the kitchen is black appliances-that is the key
ALAN has black appliances-it must be the new trend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tortured them and forced them to #1. That is what the CIA told him to do. Ruthless.
They are remodeling the entire upstairs-not in their budget but they always do that to throw us off.
I am disgusted-#3 was better
I am traumatized. Time for a snack.
Back next week.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survivor 2011-Redemption Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is about Boston rob and Russell
We all dislike Russell
he is bad
the villian
bad BO

matt is out
ralph-no way
andrea-oh ya right
steve-old guy is out
where are rob and russell? drop in by parachute?
here come the stars!!!

stephanie got her feet sandy-aghhhhhhhhhhh

where is Fabio?
do they get toilet paper?

Jeff keeps saying so......so...
let's count the so's
2 so far

Redemption island is back! I love that place-it is like our apartment
do they duel with guns? blocks of cheese? king cones?
maybe they duel with buckets of mayonnaise

russell is insane-good for the show

francesca just sued somebody
do they get dental floss?
evo 4G
the defenders
ok back

zapatera and Ometepe-sounds like a law firm

craftsman logo on tools-more money for jeff

who is the mountain man? Ralph?

matt is the new fabio
phillip is the designated annoying guy
andrea chopped off her foot
phillip is a federal agent-does alan know him?

maybe alan is on the show-hiding in the bush-i think I saw a 65 inch tv behind the shelter

the first russell alliance
is there a new gay slant to this with some of the guys? new alliance? not that there is anything wrong with that

what if instead of parking tickets we go to redemption island? maybe Staten island?
enough already

sprint,criminal minds, csi,mentalist,amazing race

guy brushing teeth with a stick
giggle fest
more teeth with a stick
kristina found the idol! big trouble
nice red underwear on philip
future fruit of the loom adv
fist fight
this guy is not a federal agent-he is a psycho
what is with his underwear?
hd tv is not always good
oh-sorry-fuchsia underwear
not that there is anything wrong with that
steps and blocks and puzzles-oh my!
GO! run-jump-win!
russell is dominating
let's cheer for the fuchsia underwear guy
where is Fabio?
why is Jeff screaming?
zapotera wins! who is zapotera? Russell? oh no!
where is fuchsia guy?

Can’t keep her mouth shut-Kristina
Told them about idol
She is out-rob will find out and dump her
She knows she messed up-tee he-giggle giggle-I have the idol
Moron-she is out-now she is talking to Phillip the fuchsia guy
She is a law student? Omg country is falling apart
Philip is going to be sent to fantasy island-da plane! Da plane!
Jeff needs to be wearing fuchsia underwear

Focus-tribal-Phillip is a real problem-he is insane-perfect casting-fist fight!
Special agent? From a psych ward? Philip has a mushroom problem
Omg-he spilled the idol-Kristina has a big mouth! It is coming back to her-what a moron
This must be fixed-Phillip needs a b 12 shot can he be a talk show host? Kristina is going on wheel of fortune
Whoa-rob power play-what is anyone talking about? I have a headache-pepto bismol tribal
Can they vote out Francesca if they can’t spell her name? where is Fabio?
Kristina plays the idol??? NO!!! OMG-is she out?
First out- FRANCESCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kristina big mouth is still in! omg
And Phillip-maybe he has lime underwear also?
Tune in next week

Friday, December 24, 2010

Year End Thought-Positive Aspects of Mud

I was watching the news last night about the storms in California. Man, what a mess. Some places had 20 inches of rain and lots of floods and mudslides.

They showed a house-no one was hurt-where the mud inside was 4 feet deep. The owner was walking on the mud and he had to bend over not to hit his head on the ceiling. Which led me to think-Why not turn a negative into a positive???

What a great time to change ceiling light bulbs with compact fluorescents to save energy, replace the old ceiling fans and put in fresh smoke detector batteries. And it looked like the ceiling could use some fresh paint so why not do that also. No ladders or scaffolds needed, just reach up and do the work.

So as 2011 approaches lets be thankful for all of the blessings of the past year and remember that a house full of mud is half full and not half empty.

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Beginnings

Big celebration last night

Sada going off to Grenada for med school.
Sada, Susan T, Susan J, Rachel, Jacob, Emily and Jack (pop in from Maine). At Candle 79, vegan restaurant in NYC.

Lots of mixed emotions-Sada leaving NYC (bad) but starting on her vet quest (good).

A year ago Sada came to live with Rachel in NYC. Neither was in a good career position. Now Sada is off to school, Rachel at NYU. What a leap-what a change.

Jacob is still searching for his path which will keep him in NY for a while. I am sure he will take over Sada's early Sunday morning dog adventures but we will have to see.

Thank the world for the last year for us all to be able to hang out, eat at Saigon Grill and go to the dog show. This new generation of Moslers all look like winners and now have some family ties to hold on to. As good as it gets.